Stress Management While on a Tight Budget


The meme above will make someone feel stress already. Chill! There are so many ways to cope with stress while you are broke. Lol! You may feel that there is nothing that you can do to get away with it but there are so many ways.

  1. Be Physically Active. Regular exercise can increase your resistance to stress. (There is scientific explanation to this but I am lazy enough to make some research about it but I know regular exercise can help). You do not have to go to a gym to do so. Why not try jogging, walking your dog, do yoga, just keep going and breathing.
  2. Accept the Things that you can’t Change.
  3. Have a Positive Attitude. Learn to always see the brighter side of each thing that comes your way.
  4. Avoid Unnecessary Stress. (like traffic jams. Yeah you will be late but can you change that? Do not argue to your boss if you will be in trouble. If he/she can’t accept your explanation, let it be. Just breathe).
  5. Meditate.

In addition to the above mentioned ways. Please take time to read this article I have found: or you may also like to see these:

I am not affiliated to anyone or whoever wrote those articles. I just thought that they are helpful. Have fun!!! Life is too short to make it stressful!

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